ABOUT - Bryan Jesney

The subconscious is what drives Jesney's ideas to paint in the most surrealist dreamscape environments that surround us all. His perception and curiosity of how this current life connects to the afterlife, motivates his approach and drives him to explore various techniques and mediums thus providing the viewer endless opportunities to connect with him as an artist. His dedication, commitment and attention to detail are evident in every piece Jesney has created to date.
A transcendental setting allows Jesney to identify with a dream, a thought or feeling that he might once have experienced. Through the use of space colour, perspective and motion, the dreamscape starts out with a simplified organic approach and is completed with a more technical complex hard edge finish completing his story. Each painting and drawing captures a fraction of Jesney's timeline. This continuous evolution from one painting to the next allows his audience to travel alongside him and experience what it is to see the world in pure utopian solitude.