ABOUT - George Whitney
In 2008, following a 38 year career as a tool maker, manager and business owner, George left his position to become a full time artist working in glass. Using published materials and attending workshops with some of the top talents working in glass, he has worked to develop his technical skills and his voice. A native of Canada, George is continuing to build his studio and gallery there. He has participated in many local shows and competitions and he has work in collections in Canada and in the USA.
I am drawn to abstract, geometric sculpture, the volume of it, the form, the textures. Shape is all around us, surrounding every aspect of our lives. Working with the shapes that I find, I adapt them, combining elements of multiple forms and unrelated textures, to arrive at a final destination. By combining the curving lines of nature, together with the angular lines of geometry and then interpreting them in glass I attempt to create a sculpture that results in a gentle merging of the entities; one working with the other. Line and mass, the interplay of angles and planes, textures and polish all working together, to create effects of light and shadow, and a sense of structural strength and unity.